

Join our Soprano campaign

Alma Lasers has once again changed the paradigm in Laser Hair Removal technology. As the inventors of SHR 10 years ago, Alma Lasers set the gold standard for laser hair removal. Alma Lasers is now raising the bar with our NEW multi wavelength technology: Soprano ICE Platinum – Limited Edition.

We recently launched a Soprano campaign in which every week we realesed compelling marketing resources that you can utilize with your customers:


We WON!  Soprano ICE is the best hair removal platform for 2015


Soprano offers a variety of accessories that makes it a winning product. Utilize the following photos to promote the benefits of Soprano, as well as its innovative accessories


Experts around the world agree that Soprano ICE has set a new standard for speed, efficacy and comfort during laser hair removal treatments.
Listen To The Experts Success Stories. Download


Soprano Platinum – The first & only laser hair removal system to offer trio clustered diode technology which combines three wavelengths in a single applicator, covering the optimal spectrum.
Marketing Collaterals avaialble for download.


To help you fully utilizing the competitive advantages of Soprano ICE, we have compiled for you 10 ways to maximize your revenues.
Check out Soprano’s ‘Maximum Revenue’ ebook and elevate your practice to the next level!


Be a part of the Soprano ICE revolution: Join Alma Lasers in celebrating 10 years of Soprano technology.
We’ve made it easy for you!
These digital images can be used on your Facebook page, as well as on your website, to drive interest in laser hair removal.
Get your patients talking about Soprano ICE! Download.


Soprano as presented in extensive clinical papers:
The safest and most effective hair removal technology
Utilize hair removal clinical papers, conducted by best Physicians and researchers around the world, to maintain your clients’ knowledge and prove that soprano’s technology is scientifically the best and most effective solution for hair removal.


Soprano ICE
Capture Soprano’s customers through sound and motion!
Using videos to deliver core messages to potential clients is incredibly powerful and considered one of the most effective marketing methods. It’s persuasive, memorable,
and beyond all – fun!
Utilize Soprano ICE videos to build trust and
credibility among your clients


Soprano evolution – now and then.
10 Years – And still the best hair removal platform

We invite you to join us on another pretty cool decade